Saturday, July 31, 2010

I bought a Red's shirt!

Halfway thru summer camp! :D It's been so busy these days cuz we have to plan new material every day. We spend our afternoons working on lessons, finding/making worksheets or powerpoints and copying things. It's fun though! This weekend I actually need to do some work at home. We were supposed to be putting our lessons in a certain outline but we were able to wait on doing it for a bit. But now they need those plus the worksheets we've used by Monday! It's hard to get it finished during the week when we're busy planning everything. I just don't write it in the format while I'm planning cuz I do a step-by-step list. I'm sure it won't take too long and I'll go in early Monday to get organized. Let's hope I can get stuff done this morning! I need to be in Seoul around 3pm. I'm going to see a musical in the evening and we need to eat beforehand.
I'm already doing laundry, so I think I'll be ok~ :-P

Yesterday I went into Seoul to meet some friends for lunch, then we went to a coffee shop and hung out the whole afternoon. I bought an iced chocolate (basically choc milk?). It tasted like melted ice cream! So yummy~~
After that, I went with Matthew to Dunkin Donuts. Yup, they have those here! ^_^ I tried a rice-cake honey donut, a sweet potato, and a mangosteen filled one. I loved the mangosteen one cuz it was a little tart while the outside was covered in powdered sugar. The honey one was good cuz it wasn't completely a rice cake. So it was a little chewy. The sweet potato wasn't very sweet and they put seeds in it and all i could taste were the seeds.
Met another friend with Matthew for a bit and got invited to go to Myeongdong for some shopping. It's a pretty expensive area though, so I only bought a Reds shirt for 5,000won. It's the World Cup team, and even though I missed the games, I really wanted one! It's got a mask on it and the team chant in Korean. Love it! I think I'm gonna wear it today, so I'll take pics hopefully. :)

I'm sure there was other stuff to talk about but I can't think of it right now. I really need to try to post a little more often! It's just hard to remember and I'm usually too lazy to take extra time to post something. It always turns out to be so long!

Also still needing to work on resizing my pictures so I can make another video. Or figure out how to make a slideshow online. I have internet now!! woo~~~so it might even be easier to post stuff. :) I'll hopefully get a chance this week to get some stuff organized and posted. If not, the next weekend for sure! I'm pretty sure I have no set plans for next weekend, so I'll try to take one of those days and not do anything but post pictures. ^^

Have a great evening all!! I'm off to finish laundry and clean! Look at me being responsible...hahaha. LOVE YOU ALL! <3

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