Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stuff for sale and free!!

I apparently have a lot of extra stuff I want to get rid of, so I'm selling a few big things and making a list of some smaller stuff I'll just give away. Didn't have time to have a yard sale.

Most prices are negotiable :)
- futon w/2 matresses $15
*there is a bar on the bench part that broke off, but I still have that piece.

- coffee table $10
*it's fairly lightweight

- TV w/built-in VCR $20
*I'd sell it for more, but the VCR is a little dirty from an old VHS AND the plug cord somehow was chewed when in storage, previously.

- Small desk $20
*I'm pretty sure it's a kids desk--too small for a large desktop computer.

- recordable VHS tapes
- keychains
- angel figurine
- mice in teacup figurine
- wine opener set
- CD case, holds about 72 cds.


  1. I love keychains! haha what are they of?

  2. m&m pic frame keychain, "looking for a good man who hates football and can cook," "if u eat a frog, nothing bad will happen to u for the rest of the day," the footprints story, a new york one, and key shape-"God never shuts one door without opening another"
    you can have them all and just use some as gifts! :)

  3. okay! =D I wish I saw this before now. I had a good time at your party. I wish I didn't have to leave so early =(
