When we got our tickets, there was a drawing for the event for a picture taken with them. I thought it was just Jihoon, so when I won I gave it to Mai. She told me no take backs. haha~~
I had just gotten a cold at that time, so I really can't remember much about the show. It was still very good, of course. :) I remember Jonghyuk falling pretty hard during the scene where they argue. He's supposed to fall, but this seemed like it hurt. I almost laughed though because the fans were whispering a lot right after, they were so concerned. But, he seemed fine.
After the show, we went to figure where we were supposed to be for the fan event. Mai went off to get her group picture taken and Kat and I stood in line. I really wanted to be outside when OJ came out. When Mai got back I went outside to wait, and Kat came with. Mai stayed downstairs to wait for Jihoon's fan event to start. She would text us when it started. It was crowed around the stairs but when OJ came out I was closer to the door, so I ended up in front when he walked outside. He saw me and told me "Long time no see!" in English. Then he reached over and grabbed food from another fan who had a bag of snacks. It was so adorable. I would have given him the whole thing. :P Since we were crowded by the door, he walked out and around to the back of the building where there was more room. There were a lot of fans this time so it ended up being pretty crowded around him. Sometime while Kat and I were waiting, Mai texted us and said the event started, but I hadn't gotten to give OJ his gift so we told her we'd head down as soon as we could. Talked with some Korean fans that spoke English who loved that we were fans~~OJ was signing stuff and talking to everyone...he even teased this girl with the pen; she was holding the lid for him and when he went to put the pen back he kept "missing" and writing on her hand. It was funny. Finally got to talk to him and he signed my ticket with "good to see u" ^_^ LOL he also misspelled my name and went back to fix it; wrote it in cursive. He really is so nice even with the language barrier. I gave him his gift and took a pic with him and Kat. That's posted on my facebook, but it's too cute not to share~!

Kat and OJ were trying to make a heart above us, but the person taking the picture didn't get it in the shot. :P Still so cute! He was very happy to talk to us again~~
Finally finished meeting with him and rushed down to the fan event (we missed all of it!) Jihoon was on his way out and was giving signatures to those who didn't have one. Kat and I ran up and she got her signature, I gave him my present. He did this little dance thing to show his excitement. It was funny. After he left, Mai wanted to see if OJ was still around, so we ran back out to check. He was! Kat gave Mai's present to him but she wanted to go over and tell him about her present, as well as get a pic. She gave him orange juice (OJ) hahaha. :D He actually got the joke...I think mostly cuz she held up the juice and said "OJ!" He laughed~~
So we finally wandered off and I went home since I live so far away. They both kept texting me all the way home tho...they were having fun teasing each other and telling me. :P
Taal was the following Saturday (10.23) We (Thea, Kat, Krista, and Mai) met up around 10am for BRUNCH! I got to eat pancakes, sausage, eggs, and orange juice!!!! It was sooooo good, I ate everything. :P I wrote down directions to get there so I can go again~~It was a little pricey but so worth it. :D
After eating, we wandered off to the area we needed to be for the show. Ended up at COEX mall and wandered around trying to find someplace for coffee before the show. Sat around talking about kpop (of course) and being crazy.They're such a fun group to hang out with! Always making jokes and such. Reminds me of how Jan, Jill and I act together. :)
The show was awesome! I didn't understand anything at all, but they did a 2PM song! That was cool~~we all spazzed (Thea is a big fan) about it of course. The show seemed to be a Romeo and Juliet story, but with traditional Korean stuff thrown in. It was interesting and sad, but still really awesome. It was more dance based, which I enjoyed. The lead guy was a great dancer too.
After the show, we wandered around looking for a place to eat dinner. Ended up in the food court at COEX and I had french fries covered in cheese, chili, and bacon. :P I was very unhealthy that day. Went home sometime after that because I was supposed to meet some other friends for a birthday. Since I was still sick and exhausted from the day I ended up not going out.
Alright, I have a lot to say for Spamalot and the days events, so I will stop this post here. Musical Post Part II coming soon...
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