Didn't do much the first part of the week. Met with Sungmin and some of his friends who wanted to meet me (or maybe just any foreigner haha) on Monday night. It was fun. Just hung out and talked. All of them spoke English! But Sungmin talked to me more than the rest...I think everyone else were too nervous. Most Koreans I meet think their Eng is horrible (when it usually isn't!).
Slept in some on Tuesday? I really don't remember anything other than it was so rainy that day! I did venture out to the store when it died down. But, I had to go back out to buy sneakers so I could run and also go hiking Thursday. It rained a lot! I also spent just a little too much for shoes, but they looked good! :) They're black (and pink!) so they'll stay clean longer, and they didn't make my feet look huge. The guy was also super helpful even though he didn't speak any English. They were only 70,000won ($68) compared to all the other shoes that I liked that were $100 or more!
Wednesday woke up super early and got on the train by 8ish to meet Mai and the rest of the gang at Lotte World by 9:30am. I was running late actually cuz it took me longer to get ready and eat. Mai was running late too actually, so it wasn't a big deal. :P Met up with her and another friend I hadn't met yet. We were the only ones there (the rest of the group were coming later) so we went ahead and bought our passes. I think because of Chuseok, there was a discount! We paid 22,000won for the ticket. The ticket, by the way, paid for all of the rides as well~~~ :D There was only one ride we went on that didn't take the ticket. Nothing too special or different from your typical amusement park. ^_^ Rode the scary rides of course, ate too much junk, and bought useless cat ears. haha They're cute~~

Finally headed home around 8pm? I got home and was in bed around 10 I think. That was later than I wanted since I had to be on the train in the morning by 7am!
Joey and I ended up leaving later than planned from Ansan. Left around 7:20...didn't get into Suraksan Stn until 9:20am! But we met up with Matthew, Sunna, Dan, and Kyujin, ate a quick breakfast and headed to the mountain. It was a nice hike in the beginning. The weather was cool, sun was shining, and there were trees and water! :D It was so pretty. The climb got a little tricky but we were all excited...that is until we got to the top of the first part. Then we looked up and saw the rest of the mountain. It was so high! We also could see people were climbing up using ropes that were attached to the rock with steel posts. That was very intimidating, but before we could talk ourselves out of it we kept going (I actually led the way...don't know what I was thinking hahaha). Here's the first part:

That mountain in the distance is I think the highest point. We were heading for it!
Here's what the ropes looked like. Pretty sure this was after the first climb.

It was fun for awhile, even if it was a little scary for me. But, I was able to stay focused and not pay attention to the height. Except the one part where there was a sheer drop to the left and we had to be right next to it as we climbed up using the ropes/posts. I got myself a little worked up and had to take a longer break than everyone (I'm sure) wanted. I was just too scared. Even through all of it, I could tell that it was just a beautiful sight. These nice ladies gave me grapes cuz I looked so discontented. ^_^ haha food makes everything better.
We kept going!! Finally made it to the top and it was awesome! I have a bunch more pics, but I'll post them to facebook and share the public link again. Here's one of us all at the top. We actually look okay. Joey and I were the only ones scared actually (he's in the red shirt). But we did it!

Going down took just as long...but our group separated cuz Joey and I wanted off the mountain and this nice man was helping us go the best way. :) So, it was Joey, Sunna, the man, and myself heading down. We took a break to eat and he shared some food. It was so nice! We bought him a drink after we got to the bottom. It was crazy! We didn't really expect to be climbing as much as we did. We really thought it was just a hike. But, I definitely am glad I went! It was awesome. :D

After all that climbing we met up with the others and went to eat and drink. :) Had Korean BBQ and some Kimchi Chigae Then we went to another place to try this Korean veggie pancake and some rice/soju drink. I loved the pancake. We also ate a ground bean soup. The texture was like a porridge, but it was so good. Ate so much food~~~but finally went home and took a needed shower. :P Got to bed around 10pm and woke up today around 9:30.
Today's plan doesn't include much until later. I'm meeting up with Joey, Sungmin and some other friends around 7pm. I still need to buy a miniskirt for the Rock of Ages musical next month...but I'll probably try to do that this weekend.
I have training next week for 3 days. I'm actually bummed I'm missing school for it! But, it'll be a nice break and a way to meet some more people living in Korea. :)
Gonna run~this was a long post! Hope you enjoyed~~~~♥!