Sunday, October 31, 2010

Orientation + Rock of Ages

Long time no "see!" ^.^ I've been so busy and really haven't made time to update this. But, here I am! (You can stop pestering Ian, Ashley~~hahaha)

The end of September, I had a 3 day overnight orientation for my prgoram (Gyeonggi English Program in Korea). It was a lot of fun! Of course, I learned a lot of new things to use in my classroom. ;) I even learned how to play traditional drums. That was cool~~ Met a lot of people close to the area I live in...some even right next door! It's great to know I don't always have to go to Seoul to hang out with friends. We even started a weekly dinner in our area. I have been a little too busy to go, but I went a few weeks ago when we went to an Indian restaurant. Yummy~ :P

The weekend after was a restful one. I think I went to see Resident Evil 4 that weekend. In 3-D! It was a good movie and the 3-D was not as difficult to watch as I thought. All the action had me worried I'd get motion sickness or something. It wasn't as good as the others, but I had fun anyway~~Sungmin was surprised that I even wanted to go.

The second weekend in October was Rock of Ages! It's a musical that was starring Onew from SHINee and Sunday from CSJH (The Grace). It was so fun! The songs were all classic rock songs ( so I was able to pick up the story even though most of the story (and songs) were in Korean. I had fun watching Onew anyway. He's an awesome singer and was pretty adorable in this show. He plays excited in adorable ways: his voice got high pitched and he even cracked a few times. :P I'm not sure if that was intentional though haha. His singing voice is so distinct and he has a great range. He did "I Wanna Rock" and it was so different from his SHINee songs. He did the rocker voice so well. There was one point he even held this note for so long. We started clapping halfway through the note and by the time the clapping died down, he was still holding it! I melted *^_^* It was very impressive. The narrator is also the writer of the story. At one point he made Onew and another character start dancing for some reason (adlib change or something) and Onew did his Lucifer dance ( watch this for the first 25 seconds). His moves were so sharp and quick, it was cool. The show was very interactive, too. We clapped and sang along at the curtain call and most of the show. We enjoyed ourselves~~
Waited after the show for him, but there were so many fangirls, we just hung around and watched other performers come out. We even talked to some and my friends got some pictures with them. Onew came out much later but there were so many people, we stayed away and just watched the van drive off. We didn't get to even see him, but we waved at the van as it drove off! Maybe he noticed the foreigners ;)

Went home after that and crashed, I was so tired. It was a Sunday night, so I needed to get to bed.

I have more to post about, but I'm gonna make them all separate posts so I can keep them a little organized. See ya~! :D

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