I AM ENGAGED!!!♥ *^_^*
So the story...Ian came in to Korea on Monday. I was convinced he was going to propose mostly because I had guessed and after he spoke with my parents, my mom let the cat out of the bag (good job mom hahah). She had assumed I knew for a fact because I was talking about things he'd been saying and doing. But, I had just recently convinced myself it wasn't going to happen. I didn't want to get my hopes up.
Anyway, he comes and brings presents from his family. Which I love by the way! ;) Since he found out my mom told me, he decided to come up with another gift to get me thinking it wasn't gonna happen. The present is cute, now that I'm over the idea it was the only gift he had planned! He got an old soccer picture from my family and made it into a puzzle. This, he explained, was why he went to Glenwood to see my parents. It was quite funny, because I believed him and so I was super disappointed with the present.
We planned on going to the aquarium with my friend and her parents on Wednesday but things were rushed and we were all running pretty late...so we didn't make it (Ian told me later he planned to propose there,in front of the turtles!!♥) Ian and I were waiting around waiting for my friend Sunna to show up because we were meeting her for dinner, so we decided to get sticker pictures done.
It was a confusing process seeing as I didn't know the photoshop in the mall had Japanese booth (I mean seriously?!?! I can speak Korean, not Japanese!! >.<) But, anyway, Ian was apparently impatient and worried I would find the ring so he decided to do it there. As I was trying to figure out the next picture, I turn around and he's got the ring out! It's so pretty~~~and all I can do is smile and tear up. :-P Of course the picture machine was not on our side and took forever to take the photo! So the look on my face was still a pleased one, but his was more silly.
He put it on and *GASP* it did NOT fit! Either I lost weight, or I had my size wrong. No worries! I'll get it re-sized here, most likely. I have some girlfriends here who can help to translate and get cost estimates. For now, I wear it on my index finger.
That's pretty much it! We met Sunna for dinner and talked about plans (seeing as I might stay another year...still up in the air, though).
Here's the picture, seeing as some of you cannot access my facebook~~~